For entrepreneurs passionate about fitness,
genuinely interested in helping people reach goals,
and wanting to start or improve their own business.
For entrepreneurs passionate about fitness, genuinely interested in helping people reach goals, and wanting to start or improve their own business.
A Business Investment Opportunity
This is a business opportunity that is specific to owning a personal fitness training studio. Our objective and responsibility is to set up a personal training studio as a turnkey operation for the potential business owner. We will be responsible for setting up and ensuring every detail is covered to have the studio ready for operations, this includes:
- Purchasing of all exercise equipment that is required for the operation at prices below retail.
- Providing training and certification programs for the personal trainers and owners.
- Negotiating the site location and lease.
- Furnishing computer training and a software program for tracking the functions of daily operations and protocols that are to be executed, such as billing procedures, trainer time sheets, daily activity reports, etc.
- Marketing, internal and external, including a personal advertisement written by a professional ad writer specific to marketing the personal fitness training business.
All clients who train at a Guaranteed Fitness Plus will soon recognize that they are working with true professionals who really do care about their clients and their results. The training atmosphere at Guaranteed Fitness Plus is highly productive, energetic and pure. The selected exercise and training programs have been proven in the trenches and will always work to get clients in the best shape of their lives. In addition to getting clients in great physical shape, Guaranteed Fitness Plus is friendly to their pocketbooks. Our training system and philosophy is so efficient, that we are able to train 2-3 clients at one time, all the while addressing each and every client’s specific training objectives, which makes hiring a personal trainer on a full-time basis extremely affordable.

Our Unique
Selling Proposition
Every aspect of opening the new studio will be guided by the Guaranteed Fitness Plus Team. Marketing, advertising, and pre-selling of the studio, which will start approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the official opening will be assisted every step of the way.

To give aspiring trainers a firsthand interactive experience with true professionals on how to perform micro circuit training, which is the most powerful way to produce results, regardless of the specific goal.

Our Unique Selling Proposition
Our hands-on approach dramatically improves the success of the new owners because they are experiencing how personal training and the business should operate in real time, instead of out of a book. We have perfected the Micro Circuit Training System (MCT), which is unique, because it takes the guess work out of how exercise and diet should specifically be implemented in order to get individuals in the best shape of their lives.
Five to six people per hour can be trained simultaneously with their own specific fitness goals always being a priority. People with any fitness goal, which include those who are novice, injured, pro-athletes, or interested in getting in the best shape of their lives will benefit from MCT.
Most personal trainers have to charge very high rates in order to make personal training a full-time profession which limits their market. We can certainly charge high rates; however, our philosophy is to share the benefit of personal training with more than just the affluent. Part of our training strategy and philosophy is to create a product that is more affordable, so clients can workout with a trainer consistently through time. This is the only way a client will get the real results for which they are looking. Our suggested rates vary from $15.50 – $20.00 per session.

The Guaranteed Fitness (G-Fit) Plus Team
Every aspect of opening the new studio will be guided by the Guaranteed Fitness Plus Team. Marketing, advertising, and pre-selling of the studio, which will start approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the official opening will be assisted every step of the way.
The new owner will be taught and trained in everything necessary that pertains to the day-to-day operations, including certification of personal trainers. Guaranteed Fitness Plus staff will be on location for 4 weeks doing sales consultations, helping with the setup of new clients and their training programs, and creating the proper personal training environment. Leases will be negotiated, construction coordinated, and fixtures, supplies and equipment ordered. Furthermore, critical timelines will be developed and adhered to for seamless and coordinated development of the entire project starting approximately 6 weeks prior to pre-selling and job function will continue until the studio is finished.
The final details of the placement and positioning of the equipment along with a pleasing aesthetics and professional gym environment will be created. To round out a successful start-up, computer training and installation of all software programs, which includes, everything related to the day-to-day operation of the business, such as billing protocol, trainer responsibilities, etc. will be provided. The installation of the MCT system which is the training protocol that trainers will follow will also be put in place for the new owners.